

The founder of what later became known as the Rinpa school (a group of artists who excelled in drawing large-size ornamental paintings), Ogata Korin was a leading artist of Japan’s mid-Edo period. His clients were most wealthy merchants from Kyoto. Having studied the classical artwork of the Heian period, Korin left many works of art that are both clear in style and ornamental in design. His unique sense of design yielded the expression “Korin patterns,” and such patterns continue to have a significant influence on Japanese art, craftwork and design even today. Although his style of painting was based on the Japanese-style paintings of the Heian period, he also drew Chinese-style ink paintings in his later years. In addition to large-size folding screen paintings, he left small paintings executed on incense bags and fans (both folding and round) as well as hand-drawn designs on kimonos and lacquer paintings. Korin's creative activities covered a wide range of areas, including creating paintings on pottery produced by Ogata Kenzan, his biological brother.


重要文化財。2曲1双・紙本金地着色、東京国立博物館蔵。江戸文化最大の絵師のひとりとして高い評価を得ている「琳派」の絵師 尾形光琳の屏風絵の中でも特に重要視される作品のひとつ。光琳が深く感銘と影響を受けていた17世紀を代表する絵師俵屋宗達が手がけた傑作『風神雷神図屏風』を模作した作品ですが、極めて忠実に原図を模しているものの、細部では光琳の解釈に基づいた独自性が示されています。「風神」「雷神」は、仏教とともに、中国より伝わり、日本の仏画や仏教彫刻では、たびたび登場するテーマで、「風神雷神図屏風」はこの後も、100年以上にわたり、多くの画家に絵描かれています。

Commentary on Korin's Wind God and Thunder God screens

Important cultural property; Two two-panel screens (left and right); colors on gold-leaf paper; in the possession of the Tokyo National Museum. This painting is counted among the most important screen paintings by Ogata Korin, the Rinpa school founder who is widely recognized as being one of the greatest artists that exemplify Edo culture. It was painted in imitation of another pair of screens with the same title, a masterpiece by Tawaraya Sotatsu. Korin was profoundly inspired and influenced by Sotatsu, an artist who was representative of 17th century Japanese art. Although Korin’s work is a very faithful reproduction of the original painting, its details are based on Korin’s own unique interpretation. Introduced from China to Japan along with Buddhism, the wind god and the thunder god often appear in Japanese Buddhist paintings and sculptures. Screen paintings that feature these gods continued to be produced by many painters in Japan for more than 100 years after Korin.
